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Because California overall is considered such a deep blue state, national Republicans have largely abandoned the fight in the state. But Carl DeMaio of Reform California says that is a major mistake and California may once again determine which party wins the House Majority in the 2024 elections.
“This fact is irrefutable – California won the Republicans back the House majority in 2022 and in 2024 California may once again determine the majority,” declared Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California.
Election data prove DeMaio is right. In fact, California flipped 5 house seats from the Democrats to Republicans in the 2020 and 2022 elections. More importantly, California Republicans successfully defended 6 vulnerable incumbent House seats held by their party in 2022.
All in, California Republicans either flipped or defended a total of 7 target House seats in 2022!
The House majority in 2022 was captured by just 5 seats – the margin provided by California! More importantly, the House majority today is held by Republicans by a mere 2 seats. Without the 7 seats won in California, Democrats would have the Speakership.
“If you are a Republican or conservative independent who still lives in California, don’t let anyone ever tell you that your vote doesn’t count when it comes to national politics,” concludes DeMaio.
That’s why DeMaio and his Reform California movement are waging an aggressive campaign to activate volunteers and turn out voters in key target seats in California that may determine the House majority in 2024. The target seats include:
Reform California’s most powerful weapon to win these target seats is the Reform California “Plain English” Voter Guide that provides easy-to-understand descriptions of all state and local propositions and endorses reform-minded candidates from the top of the ticket down to judge and school board races.
To distribute the guide, Reform California organizes and funds volunteer deployments, paid canvassers, ballot harvesting events, and ads to target voters.
“We aren’t getting much help from the national party because they typically write off California to their own peril, but we can still win key fights in our state if we get the support we need from grassroots activists,” DeMaio concludes.