CA Voter ID Initiative

Help Restore the Integrity of Elections in California by Enacting a Voter ID Initiative in 2026

A record number of Californians have lost faith and confidence in how our state conducts its elections – and the reasons are well-documented! California’s fraud-prone election practices include outdated voter rolls, ballot harvesting schemes, refusal to verify citizenship status, non-existent signature reviews, etc.

That’s why Reform California and Carl DeMaio are leading a campaign to restore election integrity in our state by imposing a Voter ID Law!‍

DeMaio has authored a statewide constitutional amendment to restore election integrity by requiring 1) verification of voter ID for any ballot counted; 2) verification of citizenship for anyone registering to vote. This simple two-step process is a common-sense approach to fixing the problems in California’s elections.

The challenge is this: to enact this law we must collect over 1 million signatures to place the CA Election Integrity with Voter ID Initiative on the ballot.

That means we MUST recruit at least 10,000 volunteers statewide to commit to collecting enough signatures and we must raise $1-2 million to get the job done.

Please take the following THREE steps to be part of the CA Voter ID campaign:

STEP 1: Sign the Online Petition

While we wait to receive and evaluate the Title and Summary and commence “wet” signature collection on petitions, we need your help ASAP in getting more registered CA voters to sign the online petition in support of this initiative! The reason why we need to collect online signatures is to have a “house list” ready to mail petitions to once we get cleared for circulation of the official wet signature petition. More importantly, we need this house list to be big enough to show initiative backers we can actually qualify in time for 2026! Sign the online petition here:

STEP 2: Volunteer to Collect Signatures

We need to build an army of volunteers to help collect the signatures to force CA Voter ID Initiative onto the 2026 ballot. Our goal is to recruit at least 10,000 volunteers statewide with each committing to collect a certain amount of signatures each. Once we verify that enough volunteers have signed up to collect signatures, we will file the initiative and trigger the 180-day window for signature collection. You will receive notice when that happens and you will be mailed packets of petitions to collect signatures. Sign up to volunteer here:

STEP 3: Contribute to the Campaign

Adding a statewide initiative on the ballot is going to take a lot of funds to execute successfully! We are way behind on covering the campaign budget – so please contribute whatever you can TODAY to this fight for election integrity! Contribute Here:

We MUST restore the integrity of California’s elections – and to do that we must qualify and pass the CA Voter ID Initiative in 2026.

Please join us in this historic and game-changing fight to save our state!

Read: Text of the Election Integrity Initiative

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