Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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What is Reform California, its structure, and what does it do?

What is Reform California and its Structure?

Reform California is a statewide grassroots political movement led by Carl DeMaio that is dedicated to taking back our state from the far-Left politicians and special interests. You can learn more about Reform California and its structure on our About page here.

What Does Reform California Do?

Reform California is most well-known for leading the successful recall against State Senator Josh Newman (D), who cast the deciding vote in approving the costly and unfair car and gas tax hikes, in 2017. This successful Recall is only the 5th time since 1912 that a state politician was successfully removed from office through a Recall. Also, in 2018, Reform California collected over 1 million signatures to qualify Proposition 6 – the Gas Tax Repeal Initiative and in 2022 collected over 1.4 million signatures to qualify the California Taxpayer Protection Act.

Reform California and Carl DeMaio continue to wage multiple ongoing campaigns — you can view them on our campaigns page.

Who is Carl DeMaio?

Carl DeMaio is a former San Diego City Councilman, former long-time radio host, and the most-recognized reformer and taxpayer advocate in California.

DeMaio serves as Chairman of Reform California - a statewide grassroots political movement that is dedicated to taking back our state from the far-Left politicians and special interests.

DeMaio also hosts a daily podcast – where he uses his media platform to inform, engage and inspire common-sense Californians to get involved in the fight to take back their state from socialism.

Learn more about Carl DeMaio here.

How can I call Carl DeMaio?

Do to the volume of calls we get, we can't guarantee individual phone calls with Carl. If you'd like a personal response, please email him on our contact page here.

How can I volunteer?

Sign up for our volunteer list here and we will reach out when we have an opportunity to connect you with.

You may not hear back immediately, as we have slow and busy cycles. We will reach out as soon as we have an opportunity for you!

Where is your voter guide and how can I print it and share it?

You can find our voter guides on our voter guide page or directly at

You can share that website directly with friends and family, and you can also print the guide by clicking the "Printable PDF of Voter Guide" button at the bottom of each voter guide page.

I can't find a recommendation on your voter guide or disagree with your endorsement

Can't Find a Recommendation

If we do not make a recommendation on a candidate or ballot measure, we either could not support the measure or candidates running in that race, or do not have enough information to make an informed recommendation. Every year, we attempt to expand our guide and cover more races with the goal of one day being able to recommend in every race. You can support our goals by contributing today.

Disagree with Endorsement

If you disagree or have a question about a specific endorsement, contact us on our contact page — we are always open to hearing community feedback and adjusting to ensure we're supporting the best candidate in every race.

How do I check or change my voter registration?

Track your ballot, check and change your voter registration, and find your local representatives at

What district am I In? Why isn't someone on my ballot?

What District Am I In?

Find your district and local representatives at

Why Isn't Someone On My Ballot?

  1. You're not in their district! Find your district and local representatives at
  2. You're not a registered member of that person's political party. For example, to have voted for Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential primary election, you had to be a registered Republican. You can check and change your voter registration at
What is the safest way to vote and how do I track my ballot?

What is the Safest Way to Vote?

Reform California supports the "S.A.F.E." Voting Method. Many voters are rightfully worried about the integrity of the election. The first step in securing the vote... is to vote! Here's how to do so quickly and legally, and how you can track your ballot to make sure it's counted. First, use the Reform California voter guide to fill out your ballot! Get the guide at Then just follow the S.A.F.E. method:

  1. SEND: Mail in your ballot on Day 1 of the election! Do NOT wait until the day of the election, as the state has cut back on polling places and long lines will suppress the vote! Voting on Day 1 gives you the full 30 days of the election to verify your vote is counted or resolve any problems. If you wait until election day to vote, you may create or get stuck in long lines, get caught in poor weather or other unpredictable event, or jeopardize your vote by giving up your ability to correct it later if there are any problems. Additionally, holding onto your vote until the last minute does not trick political parties — your voting behavior is on record and political parties know whether you are likely to vote or not (You're not fooling anyone!). Plus, voting early gets you removed from mailing and call lists, saving you a headache and saving your favorite politicians the time and money they would otherwise spend trying to make sure you vote.
  2. AUDIT: Track and verify your vote was 1) received and 2) counted online at Check often until your vote is counted and verified!
  3. FIX: If you have a problem OR your ballot isn’t counted by Day 20 of the election, go to the nearest polling location and demand a second "provisional" ballot, then vote in-person. DON'T wait until Election Day!
  4. EXAMINE: Share this information with your friends and family! Then sign up as a volunteer here to examine and monitor the processing and counting of ballots.

How Do I Track My Vote?

Track your ballot, check and change your voter registration, and find your local representatives at

How do I know who won an election?

How Do I Know Who Won?

For local races, the most accurate place to check is on your local registrar of voters website. Find the website for yours here

For statewide races and ballot measures, you can check statewide election results here.

Do Carl DeMaio and Reform California support President Trump and securing the border?

Absolutely. Carl DeMaio and Reform California have always supported President Trump and securing the border. DeMaio strongly supports President Donald Trump in 2024 and has since 2016. DeMaio supports Trump's border wall and call to drain the swamp! He also led the fight in 2018 to get San Diego to join the Trump admin in suing to overturn Sanctuary State policies.

Learn more about Carl's stances on this here.

Where are Carl DeMaio and Reform California on the issue of abortion?

Carl DeMaio opposes abortion on demand and lead the fight against Prop 1 which legalized abortion until birth. He called Prop 1 the most extreme abortion proposal in the history of the US.

DeMaio also supports the Heartbeat Bill and the Hyde Amendment to bar taxpayer funding from going to Planned Parenthood (or any other organization) for abortions.

Reform California as a movement, like Carl DeMaio, stands firmly against Democrats' radical "abortion on demand" push in recent years and advocates against these policies in its annual voter guide.

Do Carl DeMaio and Reform California support police, firefighters, and the military?

Absolutely. Carl DeMaio and Reform California firmly support our men and women in uniform.

Carl DeMaio and Reform California oppose any effort to defund the police and strongly Back The Blue! DeMaio and Reform California were instrumental in getting a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) removed from a neighborhood full of children in San Diego County — and are leading the fight to block multiple other placements in the future.

Carl DeMaio and Reform California are also leading the fight to repeal Prop 47 and Prop 57 and to recruit candidates that support our first responders! Join the campaign here!

I have another question about Carl DeMaio and Reform California's stances or beliefs?

Check out the Reform California with Carl DeMaio podcast, our news section, or search the site to see if your issue has been addressed. If it hasn't, contact us on our contact form for help!

How and where can I donate?

You can donate by visiting or by sending a check. Checks can be made out to "Carl DeMaio for State Assembly" and mailed to PO Box 27227, San Diego CA 92198.

I have a contribution issue?

Please contact us on our contact form for help.

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