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2025 brings a new year – and new laws that take effect in California.
As he does each year, Reform California Chairman and CA State Representative Carl DeMaio is highlighting a few of the craziest laws taking effect with the new year.
“Governor Gavin Newsom and California Democrat legislators are completely unhinged from reality as they double down on fatally-flawed policies that are hurting Californians,” warns DeMaio.
“Every year I pick out really bad new laws to highlight, but this year that was exponentially harder to do because there are so many terrible new laws that are taking effect in California,” explains DeMaio.
10. Payroll Tax Hike
California businesses are getting hit with a massive payroll tax hike as of January 1, 2025 – and worse, the tax hike is scheduled to go up exponentially every year thereafter until a massive $20 billion debt that state politicians ran up in the unemployment system is repaid to the federal government.
Specifically all businesses regardless of size will be forced to pay an additional $21 dollars per employee on their payroll taxes – with the amount increasing $21 per year every year into the future! Newsom and state politicians borrowed the money and allowed $32 billion to be wasted in fraudulent unemployment benefits. Worse, Newsom simply declared he had no money to pay back the loan – though he does have billions to spend on taxpayer-funded handouts each year to illegal immigrants.
“Gavin Newsom knew what he was doing all along – borrowing $20 billion and knowing that when he didn’t repay the loan that payroll taxes would automatically be increased on all small businesses in our state and putting jobs at risk,” DeMaio notes.
9. Banning Local Voter ID Laws
California politicians want to ban local governments from requiring Voter ID in local elections. This policy is currently being challenged in federal court and will likely be declared unconstitutional – but for now it is officially on the books.
“Not only is Voter ID a good idea for local elections, we should make it a requirement for state elections,” says DeMaio who is working on putting his CA Voter ID Initiative on the statewide ballot in 2026.
8. Keeping Secrets from Parents
AB 1955 goes into effect in 2025 that prohibits teachers from telling parents that a student is struggling with their identity or orientation. This policy is currently being challenged in federal court and will likely be declared unconstitutional – but for now it is officially on the books.
“This law is abusive to these children – because at a time when kids are struggling with their identity, they probably are stressed out and depressed and that’s why it is all the more important to make sure their parents know so they can provide support,” DeMaio notes.
7. Censorship in Schools
SB 1283 that allows schools to ban social media on campuses and AB 3216 requires school districts to ban cell phone use. However, AB1825 makes it harder for parents to demand removal of pornographic books in libraries.
“California politicians infringe on our freedom of speech when they say they want to protect children by banning cell phones and social media at school, but then they defend pornography in school libraries,” says DeMaio.
6. Bizarre Sick Leave Changes
A number of new laws take effect in 2025 to expand sick leave for employees in various ways – costing employers more and making California less attractive for new job creation. One bizarre change mandates that businesses must now allow crime victims to take time off as “sick leave” to recover from the trauma of crimes.
“Instead of stopping the crime wave in our state, our criminal-coddling politicians decide to pretend to care about crime victims by imposing another costly mandate on employers,” DeMaio notes.
5. Used Clothing Recycling Mandate
SB 707 requires require retail, textile and apparel companies to create collection systems in their stores to accept used clothing and requires them to work to recycle or reuse them.
“This absurd law is laying the groundwork for a $5 dollar recycling fee for every item you buy – mark my word!” DeMaio warns.
4. Forced Unionization of All Employees
SB 399 prohibits employers from requiring employees to attend briefings or meetings where anti-union messages are conveyed. AB 800 kicks in a requirement for California high school juniors and seniors to be taught about their workplace rights, the achievements of organized labor, and students’ right to join a union.
“Because union bosses give out the most campaign contributions, California politicians are rewarding their special-interest masters by imposing unfair and inappropriate pro-union mandates in schools and in the workplace,” DeMaio notes.
3. House Cleaners and Nanny’s Get Workplace Protections
Starting July 2025, domestic workers who are employed by house-cleaner or nanny agencies to work in clients’ private homes will be subject for the first time to workplace safety laws.
2. Requiring Foster Parents to Support Sex Change Operations
Starting in 2025, anyone wanting to be foster parent in California must commit to supporting sex change operations for minors – whether they are caring for LGBT children or not.
“At a time when we face a serious shortage of foster care parents, this law will hurt foster kids by barring good parents from serving in these much-needed roles,” DeMaio warns.
1. Regulations to Spike Gas Prices
ABX2-1 would require costly storage regulations on the oil and gas industry – with costs passed on to consumers. Combined with new air regulations approved by CARB, expect a 75 cents to $1 dollar spike in the price of gas in CA.
“Californians already pay $1.50 to $2.50 more per gallon of gas – and these new costly regulations will spike that to $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon within two years!” DeMaio warns.
Tired of bad laws being imposed by liberal California politicians? Join Carl DeMaio and Reform California in fighting to elect better leaders in the 2026 elections.