Los Angeles Log Cabin Republicans present Carl DeMaio "Contract to Reform California"

Sunday, December 8, 2024

5:00 pm

8:00 pm

Location Provided Upon RSVP

Join Carl DeMaio – State Assemblyman and Reform California Chairman – for this event hosted by Log Cabin Republicans Los Angeles. DeMaio will speak on the “Contract to Reform California” and the fight to take back our state from far-Left insanity in the 2026 elections. 

Taking a page from the successful “Contract with America” thirty years ago, DeMaio has crafted a Contract to Reform California – a 10-point agenda that offers bold proposals to fix the state’s pressing problems.  

“The 2024 election shows California voters are hungry for change and are finally shifting to the center-right, but to capitalize on that California Republicans must unite and commit to a comprehensive and common-sense reform package to fix the problems causing so many to flee our state,” says DeMaio. 

The Contract to Reform California is a pledge to enact specific and detailed legislation to address the biggest problems facing our state – including reducing cost-of-living, reforming schools, balancing the budget, combatting crime, securing the border, reducing homelessness, restoring election integrity, and holding state politicians accountable.   

DeMaio will outline how the Reform California movement he is leading is recruiting candidates across the state for 2026 – and working to put elements of the Contract to Reform California on the ballot for a public vote in 2026.


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